Friday, July 16, 2004

A New Blogger On The Scene

I have just emerged from the Dark Ages, as I am now an official Blogger!
Having just authored my first-ever blog, coaxed by those who evolved first into blogdom, I am in a total state of amazement thinking of all that blogging promises.
Of course, I understand that all neophytes experience this euphoria upon discovering the Promised Land, much like Columbus did in 1492.
To be honest with you, when I first heard the term “blogging”, I cringed a little, for it brought memories of when I first heard of  “clogging”. My then-wife wanted to try it and it turned out a total fiasco for me, as I couldn’t get my two feet coordinated enough to scuff up the floor like all the other country-folk were doing.
After receiving over a dozen invitations from Site Pro News and other email-based information conduits, I finally succumbed and clicked on the enticing hyperlinks that lead you to the Website for cloggers, whoops, did I say cloggers? Heavens forbid, the foot stomping and the noise, I meant “website for bloggers”!

Of course it was very easy to select what my subject would be for my first-ever blog, none else than dogs! As a dog trainer, dog handler, dog breeder and dog supplement business owner, what else would I have to write about? So the subject matter was easy to choose and since I am very involved in DOG SHOWS, well put the two together and presto, we have a blog about my adventures at a dog show with one of my dogs.
It sort of is a catchall, sharing my love for what I do, that I happen to do very good and also promoting my business. A win-win situation this blog stuff, I think I will do more of it. Stay tuned!

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